Year 2 Home Learning Week beg: 5.7.20
Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 4:54pm
Hi Year 2,
Happy month of July!!
We hope you have had a great week despite the weather being rather wet!
I have absolutely loved receiving all your Maths Challenges this week. I am so impressed with how you tackled the tricky problem solving tasks. I have had videos, photos and pictures of all your workings out!
Mrs Messham thinks Year 2 are working so hard and is so proud of you too!
We know it is tricky keeping motivated at home!
Take care
Mrs Malkin and the Year 2 Team.
This week’s feedback task will be:
A writing focus- Creating and performing poetry.
Files to Download
Year 2 Maths lesson 1 Year 2 Maths lesson 2 Year 2 Maths lesson 3 Year 2 Maths lesson 4 Year 2 Maths GREEN challenge Year 2 English activities- RAIN Year 2 Poetry Frame Year 2 Science- rain in a jar Year 2 Science- make a rain gauge Year 2 Home Learning Week beg: 6.7.20 Year 2 Rain word mat Year 2 Reading comprehension Water woman:A super hero Year 2 The water cycle reading comprehension Year 2 Spelling booklet Year 2 Maths AMBER Challenge Year 2 Maths RED challenge