School Uniform
School Uniform
We have a school uniform which is available from Monkhouses in Cheadle Hulme and My Clothing online. Items of uniform can also be bought at supermarkets. School uniform does not have to display the school logo.
- Grey pinafore dress / skirt
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Summer dress in pale blue/white check
- Navy sweatshirt / cardigan (option of embroidered or plain)
- Short sleeved pale blue polo shirt (option of embroidered or plain)
- Grey or white socks
- Black shoes
- Navy shorts, white t-shirt and pumps for indoor PE
- Navy tracksuit, white t-shirt and trainers for outdoor PE
Swimming (Years 3, 4 and 5)
- One piece swimming costume for girls. Trunks for boys. Towel and swim bag. Goggles are not permitted.
Additional Information
- Jewellery is not permitted at school. Stud earrings are allowed and must be removed during PE lessons. Watches are allowed.
- Make up is not permitted.
- Book bags and school bags with the school logo are available from the school office.
- Mobile phones are not allowed in school.
All items should be clearly named.