Year 6 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 6

Teacher: Mrs Hampson and Miss Leeson

We hope you had a wonderful summer break and are raring to go! We have interesting and fun activities planned for the Autumn term and year ahead! Please view our curriculum map and overviews for each term, for more detail.

Autumn Term

During this term Year 6 will be looking into wars through time and investigating the question: ”Is there ever a place for War?" We will locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on where wars occur – past and present. Through this topic we will explore signifcant figures, as well as the effect and impact war had on the UK.

In Science we will be researching Living things and their habitats.  Children will present a report of their findings through writing, displays and presentations.

Spring Term

In spring we will be developing our enquiry skills (with a visit from a Maya expert - sharing artefacts and experiences)  and investigating the Maya – even tasting chocolate! This topic allows the children to experience writing across the curriculum – we will be looking at the number system and how it has impacted on maths today, writing with hieroglyphics. We will also look at the rituals of the Gods, finding out what the Maya race believed they represented - linking to religion today.

In DT we will be studying pulleys and gears linked with Science (Electricity) creating our moving mechanism.

Summer Term

In summer we will be locating the world’s countries, using maps to focus on South America concentrating on environmental regions; in particular, deforestation and how it effects our lives and the economical economy. Key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities will be researched and investigated, reporting our findings through written explanations, debates  and even drama!

In Science we be will learning about light with lots of interesting vocabulary - convex, concave, translucent, angle of incidence and constructing periscopes for an experiement. 


Please ensure that children have both indoor and outdoor PE kits in school each day. Outdoor PE takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and for Autumn term, indoor PE will take place on a Thursday afternoon.

Spellings and homework

There are weekly spellings taken from the Year 5 and 6 spellings list. Children have the opportunity to practice their spellings in school, through planned activities; however, practicing at home will ensure their spellings are embedded and understood. We will have a spelling quiz every Friday. Please encourage your child to work on their spellings. 

Homework will be given out weekly. We will be having a class assembly on Friday afternoon where the children can share their work and news.

Reading and Times Tables

It is essential that your child reads every day. They do not always have to read a school book, (newspaper, comic, fact book anything interesting!) but please encourage your child to read something every day and make a note of it in their reading journals.

We are working with the children to consolidate all 12 x 12 facts, including inverse; please help them learn their tables regularly at home; these really do help towards solving mathmatical problems!


Please ensure that children have a water bottle in school each day. We encourage them to take their bottles home each afternoon so they can be washed.

In Key Stage 2, children are encouraged to bring a snack to school to eat at break time. Please ensure that this is a piece of fruit/vegetable. Remember we are NUT FREE school!

Class Dojo

Please use Class Dojo to contact the Year 6 team and look out for class messages and photos.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or queries.

Kind regards

Mrs Hampson and Miss Leeson



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