SEND Information Report

Moss Hey is a fully inclusive primary school, where we work together in partnership to ensure that all our pupils flourish.

SEND Information Report

The ‘SEND Information Report’ describes for parents what we at Moss Hey do to support pupils with SEND.

For our purposes, the definition of SEND is outlined in the SEN Code of Practice, and states that a child of compulsory school age has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age


  • Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.


The Moss Hey ‘SEND Information Report’

Here at Moss Hey, we have pupils with a wide range of Special Educational Needs: Complex Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Downs Syndrome, ADHD, hearing impairments, visual impairments, sensory processing difficulties, social and emotional difficulties, speech and language difficulties.

Co-production pledge

The co-production charter has now been officially launched and we are happy to be part of the pledge to support co-production best practice. 

The pledge reads as below: 

We recognise the local definition of co-production as being when all voices are actively listened to from the start of the planning process. This involves mutual respect for each other’s views, with an open and honest relationship that is transparent and continually evolving to achieve meaningful and positive outcomes. We pledge to embed the coproduction charter in our practice to support how we will all work well together with parents/carers, other professionals, volunteers, children and young people to create a culture where we will:          

  • Be Open and Honest  
  • Actively Listen  
  • Value the Lived Experiences  
  • Do What Matters  
  • Be Accountable and Responsive  
  • Work Together  
  • Be Respectful 

Co-production charter:

How do the teachers and support staff at Moss Hey know if a child needs extra help (identification of need)?

  • Our staff are very experienced in working with children, developing an in depth knowledge of individual needs very quickly.
  • We are given information from previous settings.
  • We use on going teacher assessments
  • Information provided by external agencies (such as paediatrician or Speech and Language Therapist).
  • Teachers are liaising with our Special Education Needs Co-coordinator.
  • We use the Entitlement Framework to support discussions between Teachers, TA's and our Senco as to what strategies we can use to support your child and the next steps we need to take .

Entitlement Framework:

 What do I need to do if I think that my child needs additional support?

  • Come in and talk with us! We pride ourselves on our open communication with parents, firmly believing that a successful education is built upon high levels of trust and honesty.

How will my child, who has identified additional needs, be supported at Moss Hey?

  • Your child will have a personal plan, written by a variety of professionals depending on the needs of your child. All plans are overseen by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and supported by the class teacher.
  • Your views and those of your child will be gathered to inform the planning process.
  • Children with specific needs may have a learning support assistant to work with your child and follow the requirements and recommendations of the plan.
  • Through a variety of constant evaluations we are able to monitor the impact of the provision provided for S.E.N children.
  • Some weekly intervention groups designed to develop motor skills, social communication skills or self-esteem.
  • Pupils with disabilities are supported by a range of strategies, depending on their individual needs. These may include adaptations to equipment and resources, differentiated activities or adult support.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support will be made available to my child? What teaching approaches will be used?

  • This decision would be made after clear communication and consultation with teacher, pupil, SENCo and home. Putting additional adult support is not always the answer; detailed advice from support agencies, who provide a programme of intervention can be equally – if not more – effective. We run a variety of interventions, additional reading support, additional maths support as well as small groups sessions if children need a little more social and emotional guidance. These additional sessions are driven by the needs of the children at any one time. Intervention groups need to be focussed, have a clear starting point and end point, with evaluations along the way to ensure that the programme is actually making a difference.

How will the curriculum at Moss Hey be matched to the needs of my child?

  • The adaptations of the curriculum are guided by the recommendations of your child’s plan. This will enable your child to access all areas of the curriculum at the appropriate level.
  • The teacher will know which areas of the curriculum are a strength, and which areas need careful differentiation and support.
  • Training will be provided for teachers to enhance their expertise at working with your child.

How will the school communicate with me about my child’s progress: emotional, behavioural, physical and academic?

  • At Moss Hey we will assess your child’s progress toward their outcomes. This is done using differentiated tests, summative and formative assessments and a close understanding of your child.
  • We positively encourage open and honest dialogue between home and school. We believe that where there are high levels of trust and openness, then potentially difficult topics of conversation can be had, ensuring that home and school are on the ‘same page’.
  • There will be official annual review meetings, the usual parents’ evenings as well as numerous informal opportunities to provide updates on all area of progress.
  • Both our SENCO and Class teacher will discuss and explain your child’s plan and future action.
  • Outside professional agencies may also need to meet with you.

What arrangements are in place for review meetings for children with a statement or an EHC plan?

  • We follow statutory guidance, which states that official review meetings for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan, are held at least annually. Those children who are working at the ‘SEN support’ stage will have termly updates, when progress and support is discussed and modifications made.

How will I be consulted about any issues or concerns I may have?

  • We have an open door policy which will enable you to talk at ease with your child’s’ teacher and be able to discuss your child’s attainment and progress.
  • Concerns can be raised at our termly parent’s evenings.
  • Through your child’s teacher you will be able to make an appointment to speak to our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. There are a variety of meetings that you may attend. These include formal yearly S.E.N reviews, and outside professional agencies that may need to meet with you.
  • You will be involved fully with the planning of your child’s support and will receive guidance and support for home activities during the meetings that your attend.
  • Appointments can be made either by phone, email or face to face.
  • If appropriate home school diaries are set up for every day communication.
  • At Moss Hey Primary School we strive to work in partnership with parents / carers so that we can provide the most relevant support for each pupil. You can help by sharing (with your child’s class teacher or with our Inclusion Coordinator) any information you may have about your child which may impact upon his/her learning or welfare at school.

How will my child be able to contribute their views?

  • Class teachers discuss targets and feedback with individual pupils.
  • Every teacher and subject leader in school involves the children in “pupil voice”.
  • Pupils are encouraged to talk to staff about any concerns. We also have a School Council, with representatives from Year 1 to Year 6. Pupils can pass on their ideas or concerns about school life to their representative.
  • We have regular Circle Time at Moss Hey where each child’s voice is heard.
  • Pupils with Statements or EHC plans are invited to share their views during their Annual Review meeting. Where appropriate, the child may take part in all or some of the meeting. Where this is not appropriate, their views are sought prior to the meeting by way of a simple ‘pupil voice’ questionnaire.

What support is there at Moss Hey for my child’s overall wellbeing?

  • Moss Hey is a school with a strong ‘family’ feel and a positive emphasis on Restorative Approaches. We take a pride in the affirmative atmosphere throughout the school. We encourage all children to take care of one another and from the moment they start school, help them to develop positive relationships with their peers. Our adult team of teachers and support staff are amazing! The relationships they develop with every child are second to none.

What specialist services and expertise are available to the pupils at Moss Hey?

  • We can access the services of many agencies, but our main partners are: Inclusion Service including our cognition and learning teacher and our SEMH teacher (previously LSS & BSS), Primary Jigsaw, Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech and language (S&L), Sensory Support Service (SSS), School nurse and Educational Psychology (EP).
  • The Ethnic Diversity and the Stockport Interpreting Unit are key inclusion services and have an important role to play in meeting the needs of SEND learners and their families.

 How are staff at Moss Hey trained in supporting pupils with SEND?

  • We have an experienced SENCo who works with our staff. We also have training from the support agencies who work closely with our school.

How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom, for example extra-curricular activities, trips, residentials?

  • We will never deliberately plan an activity that is inaccessible for any one child. All reasonable adjustments will be made both in and out of the classroom. There may be some activities, however, that some children just cannot access even with reasonable adjustment. In this case we would, whenever possible, offer an alternative activity.

How can I as a parent get involved in the education and development of my child?

  • We want you to get involved! Come in and talk with us, not just at the initial consultation and assessment stage, but at all stages in your child’s time with us.

SEND e-learning:

What is the Stockport Outcomes Framework? 

In Stockport, our vision is for all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to have the best start in life. We want all children and young people to be happy, prepared for adulthood and able to achieve their goals. We want families to feel supported, confident, resilient and connected to their community.

We have worked together with parents, carers, young people and workforce across the local area to co-produce a set of Outcomes that we all want to achieve for children and young people. These are set out in our Outcomes Framework that was launched in November 2020.

The agreed statements are:

  • I feel Safe
  • I feel part of my local community
  • My voice is heard and acted upon
  • I enjoy good health and wellbeing
  • I am happy and have people I can trust
  • I am confident and able to reach my goals
  • The people who love and care for me are enabled to do this

If you would like more information on the Stockport Outcomes Framework, please follow the link below

Stockport I-Outcomes:

What will Moss Hey do to support children with SEND and their parents at points of transition?

  • We work very closely with our secondary school partners, and have detailed meetings to hand on essential information. Any ‘in-year’ transition is handled in the same way, with a clear hand-over of information. A series of visits is also arranged, with staff coming here to observe, then carefully planned visits to the receiving school.

What role do the Governors play in ensuring children with SEND achieve well at Moss Hey?

  • We have a very supportive Governing body, who take a genuine interest in the running of the school. We have a named SEN Governor who is kept up to date with key issues emerging at the school.

What would happen if I disagree with the support provided, or with a decision that the school has made; how do I make a complaint?

  • Hopefully this situation would not arise. However, we would encourage you to come in and talk to us. We appreciate the concerns of parents of children with SEND, and will always do our utmost to help. We understand how, with the best will in the world, parents may feel uninformed – but we strongly believe that through open dialogue any misunderstandings or misconceptions can be resolved.
  • If dissatisfaction persists, having met with the class teacher, the SENCo and then the Head teacher, there is a standard complaints procedure, details of which are on our website.

Where can I find details of school policies?

  • All essential policies are on our website.

Who can I contact for further information?

Please also be aware from April 6th 2021 you can self refer your child using MASSH online referral under additional needs . Feel free to discuss with the Teacher and Senco first but if you are interested you can take a look online using the link below:-

and if you feel you would like to look further into the Local Offer for Stockport you can follow the link here:;jsessionid=E9C824CEBE13D7428F28545B82484557?localofferchannel=0

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