Year 5 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 5's Class Page!

Welcome back to the Summer Term! I hope you had a fabulous Easter break!

What we have to look foward to this term:

  • Wonderful reading and writing oppurtunities... starting with a book called The Queen of the Falls. We will also explore Neil Gaiman's The Sleeper and the Spindle; Michael Mourourgo's Kaspar, Prince of Cats; Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover; and The Promise by Nicola Davies. 
  • In maths, we will be developing our knowledge of decimals, negative numbers, geometry (properties of shape / position and direction) and measure (convertings units / volume). 
  • We have a geography focus this term and will be comparing the UK to North America. 
  • In science, the children will be learning about Earth and Space and forces (pullys, levers and gears). 

For more information, check out the 'Year 5 Summer Term Curriculum Map'. 

I am looking forward to seeing what this term’s highlights will be!


Teacher: Mr. Crone      Year 5 pupils will also be assisted by Miss Chorlton and Mrs Lee

Below is a brief overview of the exciting creative themes we will be investigating this year. There are also a few ‘housekeeping’ reminders.


Autumn Term: ‘Anglo-Saxons and Vikings: Who got what in the struggle for England?’. This theme allows the children to investigate the period in British history around 500AD to 1066AD: the period when the Roman’s left Britain right up to The Battle of Hastings. Much of our literacy work also takes inpsitaion from this period of history.

Spring Term: the Elizabethan era, where ask the question ‘Would you rather live in Elizabethan times, or today?' Shakespeare's The Tempest is one of the main focuses in literacy.

Summer Term: a geography focus, where ask the question ‘Would you rather live in North America, or the UK?' There will be a focussed study of Jamaica. Science will see us study the Solar System and involves a trip to Jodrell Bank to investigate the stars!

Spellings and Homework

Each week we will have a focus on specific spelling sounds and these will be sent home so children can practise them ready for a test on each Friday, please encourage your child to work on their spellings regularly – 10 mins each day is much more effective than 40 to 60 mins on 1 day. Children will also have online Maths homework via Maths Flex and TT Rockstars. 

Reading and Times Tables

There has been a significant amount of research that highlights the benefits of children reading every day; not only does it improve their reading but it has a significant positive impact on their ability to write a range of different genres. Please encourage your child to read something every day. By the end of year 4, all children should know their Times Tables facts up to 12 x 12, please help them practise and learn them so they are confident – this has a huge impact on their maths.


In Key Stage 2, children are encouraged to bring in a snack to school to eat at break time. Please ensure that this is a piece of fruit/vegetable. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school each day and put their name on it. We encourage children to take their bottles home each afternoon so they can be washed.

Class Dojo

Please use Class Dojo to contact Year 5 and look out for class messages and photos.

I look forward to working closely with you this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.

Kind regards, Mr Crone


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