
Welcome to the Governors’ page of the new updated Moss Hey website. The Governing Body forms part of the Education partnership, along with staff, parents and of course the children themselves.

The role of the Governing Body is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the School, to support and challenge Mrs Messham and the staff on strategic issues, but not to ‘interfere’ in the running of the school on a day-to-day basis. While we are always pleased to receive suggestions and feedback, any specific concerns or queries should always be referred in the first instance to the class teacher.

The full Governing Body meets once every term but, there are many other meetings going on throughout the year. We have 2 committees which meet regularly each term, and most Governors choose to be on one or more of these committees:

a) Finance and Premises (reviewing the school budget, premises and staffing issues)

b) Teaching and Learning (covering all matters affecting the Curriculum)

The Governing Body is made up of Local Authority Governors (appointed directly by the LA), Co-opted Governors, and Governors  from the teaching staff and Parent Governors who stand for election and generally serve a 4 year term.

As Chair of Governors I will always try to make myself available to you, and meetings can be arranged through the School Office.

Owen Twiss

Chair of Governors





Mr Owen Twiss

Chair of Governors

Mr Chris Belsham

Vice Chair & Chair of Finance &

Premises Committee

Miss Clancey Chronnell

Chair of Teaching &

Learning Committeee





Mrs Elise Messham


Mrs Lucy Carroll



Mrs Emma Smith




Mr James Jenkins Mrs Katherine Malkin Mrs Jane Hancock 


Mrs Gill Swan Rev Calum Piper  


Mr John McGahan Miss Emma-Kate Riley  


Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form