Year 3 2024 - 2025

Welcome back to Year 3!

We are looking forward to another fun-filled, busy term. We hope you have had a restful break and are ready for lots of learning.

Teachers: Mrs Gallagher

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Groarke 

Here is an outline of the interesting and fun activities we have planned for the year.


This term we will be developing our historical enquiry skills and investigating the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. The children will be able to engage in activities, when they visit Tatton Park and experience everything from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.


In Spring, we have a geography and science based theme, 'Rockstars'. The children will be exploring the question:

  • How do rocks shape the UK?


We will be developing our enquiry skills and investigating the earliest civilisations. During this study, we will look at where and when the first civilisation appeared, whilst looking in depth, at Ancient Egypt. Our topic question is: What was the Civilisation of Ancient Egyptians like?

During the summer term, in Science; we will be looking at plants and what they need to grow. As part of our learning, we will be growing our own produce. You will be able to come and join us for a 'tasting' session!


During the Autumn term, on a Wednesday we are outside and on a Friday, we will be in the hall enjoying gymnastics. Summer term, year 3 will attend swimming lessons every Tuesday morning. Pease ensure children are sent in with their swimming kits.

Please ensure that children have both outdoor PE kits in school each day. Outdoor PE takes place on a Wednesday.

Spellings and homework

In Year 3, the children are continuing to work towards becoming confident, fluent readers, who show a good understanding of the texts they read. Please read for 15 minutes every day and make a comment in the reading journal.

We are working our way up to the children knowing all 12 x 12 facts, please help them learn their tables regularly at home. The children need to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables in addition to their 2s, 5s and 10s learnt in Year 2 by the end of Year 3.

Additional information

Please ensure that children have a water bottle in school each day. We encourage them to take their bottles home each afternoon so they can be washed.

In Key Stage 2, children are encouraged to bring a snack to school to eat at break time. Please ensure that this is a healthy snack such as fruit or vegetables. We are a NUT FREE school.

Class Dojo

Please use Class Dojo to contact Year 3 and look out for class messages and photos.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or queries.

Mrs Gallagher

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