Year 4 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 4

Teacher: Miss Roberts

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bluer & Mrs Groarke

We are already looking forward to a fun and exciting year, with lots already planned.

In the Autumn term we will be asking 'Why are the Ancient Greeks so important to the world?' in our topic of Ancient Greece and how they have influenced the world around us. We will find out about Greek Gods and their powers, the legacies that the Ancient Greeks have left and why they are still so well known.

In the Spring term we will investigate the question ‘What did the Romans ever do for us?’, finding out what they wore, what Julius Caesar did and how the Romans invaded areas of Europe. We will investigate different areas in Britain, including Chester, to find out what the Romans have left behind. During Spring Term we will be going on a class visit to Chester to become a Roman Soldier!

In the Summer term we will be investigating water and rivers, asking 'Why is water so important?'. We will find out how rivers are formed, where they start and do they ever end? We will also be visiting Venture Out to explore more about rivers, what living things you are likely to find and to answer some of our questions.


Please ensure that children have both indoor and outdoor PE kits in school each day, though outdoor PE takes place on a Tuesday. Children will be swimming on a Tuesday morning for Autumn term. Please make sure long hair is tied up and no jewellery is worn.


Children will be expected to access TT Rockstars and Maths Flex throughout the week at home. They should also be reading regulalry at home and they should read with an adult at least 3 times a week and record it in their reading journal. 

Class Dojo

Please use Class Dojo to contact me and look out for any class messages or photos that are uploaded. 

Extra Information

Please ensure that children have a water bottle in school each day. Children should take their bottles home each afternoon so it can be washed.

Each child has their own locker which should fit their school bag, lunch box, coat and PE kit in.

In Key Stage 2, children are encouraged to bring a snack to school to eat at break time. Please ensure that this is a piece of fruit/vegetable and it does not contain nuts.

I hope children have a fabulous Year 4 and I am so excited for the year ahead. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or queries.

Kind regards,

Miss Roberts

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