Choir 2024-2025
Welcome to Moss Hey school choir,
The purpose of our school choir is to provide a space for children to develop their singing and musical skills, and to have fun. We also aim to build on children's confidence, teamwork, and resilience.
Benefits of school choirs
Develop skills: Choirs help children develop their singing voice, music literacy, and performance skills.
Build confidence: Choirs help children develop confidence and poise.
Improve health and happiness: Singing can improve students' sense of happiness and wellbeing.
Make friends: Choirs are a great way for children to make friends and build relationships with others who share their interest in music.
Learn teamwork: Choirs teach children the importance of teamwork and cooperation.
Throughout the year the choir will participate in various concerts both in and outside of school. With the first concert taking place in Stockport's very own Town Hall. Other performances and shows will take place within school. Such as Christmas performances, celebration assemblies and any opportunities to showcase our skills throughout the year.
The children will be exposed to a multitude of musical genres, with the opportunity to express themselves through song and performance. We will focus on learning new songs each term, with an aim to perform these songs to both school and families, where possible.
Any relevant information needed for home use will be uploaded to the Choir Class Dojo page. With any audio files, lyrics, links and documents being available via the school website or through Class Dojo.
We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and cannot wait to share songs and performances we create as a team.
Kind regards,
Mr Neill.
'Sing me a story' concert Stockport Town Hall