Year 2 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 2

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 2's class page. We are looking forward to a busy year ahead with lots of exciting learning opportunities!

On this page you will find an overview of the curriculum areas we will cover this year as well as other useful pieces of information.

Reading: In Year 2, the children are working towards becoming confident, fluent readers with
good understanding of the texts they read. Books will be changed weekly on your child's individual reading day and two books will be sent home. We would like to encourage all parents to listen to your child read daily and to sign and date the reading diary each time.

Maths: Maths homework will be set weekly on 'School Jam'.

Spelling: Children will be given a spelling list every Friday to learn at home. They will be given a dictation to assess these words the following Friday.

General information

Outdoor games are on a Thursday afternoon. Children must have a P.E kit in school every day.

Children will need the following in school every day for outdoor learning activities: wellies or walking boots, waterproof trousers and coat and in the colder months a hat and gloves.

Each child should bring a full water bottle to bring to school each day.

School will provide a piece of fruit or veg for morning snack each day. You are welcome to send your child in with a healthy snack from home to have instead but please remember that we are a nut-free school.

If you have any further queries or questions, or would just like to come and have a chat, please do not
hesitate to get in touch. Dojo will continue to be the easiest way to contact us.

Kind regards
Mrs Rennocks and Mrs Malkin

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