Year 3 Home Learning Summer 2 Week 6 (w/c 13.7.20)

Date: 11th Jul 2020 @ 12:15pm

Hello Year 3,


The Summer term is flying by – we can’t believe there are only two weeks left. Thank you so much for sharing all of your hard work on SeeSaw, we have loved seeing everything that you have produced especially your beautiful diagrams of a flower with careful labelling. Keep up the hard work; you’re all doing so well!


This week has a French theme as Tuesday is Bastille day. Celebrations will look different this year but it is a great opportunity for us to think about what happened during the French Revolution and to celebrate French culture.  There is a separate blog all about this with lots of activities for you to try.


Your feedback task for this week is a maths task which involves applying your 2D and 3D shape knowledge to hunt for shapes around the house.


We hope you all have a wonderful week!


Mrs Lagonegro and Mrs Hampson

Files to Download

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Child Absence Form