Year 2 Home Learning 10 Week beg: 22.6.20

Date: 21st Jun 2020 @ 12:10pm


Hi Year 2,

We hope you had a good week last week and are all ready and enthused for another week of home-learning!

This week we are using ‘Seesaw’, our new interactive platform.

 Each week, we will provide feedback on one piece of work on ‘Seesaw’ so please upload a photo/ video of this specific task.

Please continue to send photos and work you have done as well to Seesaw to share with me.

 This week’s feedback task will be:

A reading task: Animal Character Portrait.

Take care

Mrs Malkin and the Year 2 team


We will look forward to seeing all your hard work!

Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form