Year 5 - Home Learning for week of 22nd June 2020

Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 8:37am

Hello Year 5,

This week sees the launch of our new feedback area on a new app (for Moss Hey) called Seesaw.  I would like you to look at the science task on our Home Learning Grid and upload your work (for science) so I can give you some feedback. 

For English I have loaded a Year 6 piece of writing called 'The City of Silence'.  We have used all of the Year 5 ones and I believe you are all capable of completing this one.  There are many interesting types of activies to complete I thought it would be refreshing and to also show you that you already at this level.  If you have any problems just let me know.

Please continue to send in your pictures and photos (non work related) to Mrs Power at:

If you have any questions please message me on Class Dojo.

From Mr Ramsey, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Hammond

You can click on the following pictures to take you direct to the specific website, alternatively download the files on the links below.

Mathletics Oak National Academy Pobble 365 BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rock Stars






Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form