Year 5 - Home Learning for week of 20th July 2020

Date: 19th Jul 2020 @ 9:52am

Hello Year 5,

I can't believe another week has gone by so quickly and that this is our last week of the year.  I am so sad that we've not had a proper year together.  At least I will see all your smilely faces in September (even though you will be in Year 6), which is something I'm not normally used to.

I've put a range of different activities on for this week.  I would like you to create a short video, voice recording or short report about what you have enjoyed the most in Year 5, this year and put it on SeeSaw.

I hope you have a great week and I'm really looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday - I can't wait to see you all!


Please continue to send in your pictures and photos (non work related) to Mrs Power at:

If you have any questions please message me on Class Dojo.

From Mr Ramsey, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Hammond

You can click on the following pictures to take you direct to the specific website, alternatively download the files on the links below.

Mathletics Oak National Academy Pobble 365 BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rock Stars



Files to Download

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