Year 5 - Home Learning for week of 13th July 2020

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 9:06am

Hello Year 5,

Thank you for all your amazing stories and the rules for Planet 6!  It has been great listening to your recordings, videos and reading your work - well done year 5!

This week please continue to use both the on-line Mathletics and complete the workbook (I've attached last weeks again, just in case someone needs it). Please continue with Times Tables Rock Stars - I firmly believe that this will really make a difference to your maths next year as its so important you know all your times tables up to 12.


We've completed our journey through North America and also completed our science for the Earth and Stars, so this week I've put some craft activities for you to try.  I hope you enjoy them!  Please send me pictures / video clips, they are brilliant to watch and listen to.


Please continue to send in your pictures and photos (non work related) to Mrs Power at:

If you have any questions please message me on Class Dojo.

From Mr Ramsey, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Hammond

You can click on the following pictures to take you direct to the specific website, alternatively download the files on the links below.

Mathletics Oak National Academy Pobble 365 BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rock Stars




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