Year 5 - Home Learning for the week of 8th June 2020

Date: 6th Jun 2020 @ 11:19am

Hello Year 5,

I hope you've all had a great rest during the holiday period.  We will be continuing with our theme of North America for geography and Earth & Space in science.

I understand how you might be feeling with regards to other year groups coming back before you - this is a government decision and unfortunately one which is out of my control.  I sincerely hope that we are able to get back together before the summer holidays.  Please let me know if anyone would like a telphone call to cheer them up (children only - No parents!!  I only have Dad Jokes!)


Please continue to send in your pictures and photos (non work related) to Mrs Power at:

If you have any questions please message me on Class Dojo.

From Mr Ramsey, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Hammond

You can click on the following pictures to take you direct to the specific website, alternatively download the files on the links below.

Mathletics Oak National Academy Pobble 365 BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rock Stars






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