Home Learning Week Beginning 29.06.20

Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 5:39pm


I hope you are all keeping well and you were able to enjoy the warm weather while it was briefly here.

As we move closer to July, it means we are moving closer to the end of Year 4. It hasn't been the Summer term we would have hoped for but I am so proud of how well you are working at home and it is great to see what you have been getting up to.

Aim to do one activity from the blog a day, as well as making sure you do an activity that you enjoy to keep yourself smiling through these challenging times. You are not expected to do everything but there should be enough things for you to choose something each day.

If you have any questions, please get in touch on ClassDojo and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Take care and keep in touch,

Miss Roberts

Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form