Year 5 - Learning for the week of 11th May 2020

Date: 9th May 2020 @ 8:34am

Hello Year 5,

I hope you are all staying safe and are well.  I think we have been very fortunate with the weather so far - let's hope it continues to be sunny for a few more weeks.

I have attached the Home Learning Overview grid which explains the different activties for the week.

Please don't feel under any pressure to complete all the activites as I know everyone is juggling work/home learning. (as I am myself!) These activities are there to dip in and out through the week. 

Please continue to send in your pictures and photos (non work related) to Mrs Power at:

If you have any questions please message me on Class Dojo.

From Mr Ramsey and the Year 5 Team.

You can click on the following pictures to take you direct to the specific website, alternatively download the files on the links below.

Mathletics Oak National Academy Pobble 365 BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rock Stars



Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form