Year 2 Home Learning Week beg: 20.7.20

Date: 19th Jul 2020 @ 12:16pm

Hi Year 2,

I can’t believe that this is the final week of school!

I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday for our Year 2 class picnic. It will be so lovely to see you all before Summer. Fingers crossed for some sunny, dry weather.

I am also really pleased and excited to be teaching you all again next year in Year 3! We get to continue our learning journey together. I am looking forward to supporting with your smooth transition into the Juniors.


I have chosen the English Tasks this week for your Feedback task.


Looking forward to seeing on Monday.

Take Care Mrs Malkin

The theme this week is: Memories and Achievements

This focus is to help support your child with transitioning to their new class. It will give them the opportunity to reflect on their time in their current class, discuss their favourite memories and achievements whilst also considering their hopes and dreams for the next academic year.

Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form