Home Learning

Date: 17th Mar 2020 @ 2:56pm


Attached to our blog you will find a Home Learning Grid that children can complete at home, as well as some extra activities. Some are within a booklet which can be printed or viewed on screen, some are intercative and others are more practical.

Within the Classroom Secrets booklet there are numerous sheets on various topics. You will see some sheets are differentiated and the bottom left letters show this: D (Developing), E (Expecting) and GD (Greater Depth). Your child should be used to selecting their challenge and should be encouraged to choose an appropriate one.

Classroom Secrets has also set up an online work space where children can go on to interactive activities and games across a wide range of activities. You will individually be sent a login for your child (through ClassDojo) to be able to access these at https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/category/year-4/

Attached is also some practical ideas that children can complete at home, some will need to be completed with an adult present to assist.

The reading revison mats are great way for the children to answer question based around texts. They should continue to read regularly and ask and answer questions about their texts when they can.

Please also find attached some information from the Local Authority about activities that can be completed at home.

If you have any questions or queries about this work, please message on ClassDojo. You are able to access all the Class Blogs so if your child needs any alternative work, please feel free to look at this work.

Stay safe and look after one another,

Miss Roberts :)

Files to Download

Student Login


Child Absence Form